010 442 5059
15 Heidelberg Rd, Cnr Ascot Rd New Market Park Alberton

Save on your 2021 Tax

In view of the Tax year ending coming up now at the end of February 2021, we just want to bring to your attention by helping Stepping Stone Hospice and Care Services you can also save on your tax payment.

If you make a cash donation to Stepping Stone Hospice we will issue you with a 18A Tax Certificate.

If you have already donated for the 2020/2021 Tax year, we once again thank you for your continued support, it is much appreciated. Your 18A Tax Certificate will be emailed to you shortly.

Herewith Banking details:
Account No: 408 609 5643
Branch: 4032005
Payment Ref: Name/Company Name and contact number
Email proof of payment to:
tessa@steppingstonehospice.co.zatessa@steppingstonehospice.co.za or to lynette@steppingstonehospice.co.za

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

Kind Regards

Tersia Burger CEO